Private Yin

With Pam Toy.

Joining a group class at the offset can seem daunting, so Private Yin offers you a comfortable environment to develop your self confidence in – and for experienced yogis, a class designed to suit your interests.

Private Yin offers a much more individual level of attention to your well being; allowing you to progress at your own pace with tailored sessions.

These sessions can be a great stepping stone if you want to start Yin yoga and understand it’s foundations, which can be very useful in deepening and developing your practice.

My space or yours

You can book your private session with me at our beautiful Gorey facility, or I can come to you.

Please get in touch to find out more concerning logistics and pricing. I will provide all of the necessary equipment if you do decide to enjoy yoga in your own home.

Private (Up to 3)

A private Yin session with Pam Toy. Can be shared by a maximum of three persons – an additional charge will be levied if more attendees are requires.

75 min class.

Custom Class

Looking for a private Yin session of your own design? Contact us to enquire about tailored lessons!

POA – Custom length classes.

Book a lesson!